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Identity & Access
Management Services



We believe in right security constraints to manage our clients ever growing users and employees by providing a range of tools and services that help enable our clients to smoothly restrict access and stabilize the infrastructure with appropriate security measures to users and their requirements.


This Enables our clients to build unified, data-rich user profiles — that are highly secure and meet compliance requirements — all while delivering powerful insights towards security measures.

What we bring to the table ?


  • Enabling our clients to identify and establish the identity lifecycle for all enterprise entities

  • Automatically provisioning access

  • Management of privileged access

  • Setting up processes for authorization and delivering single sign on capabilities across different channels of digital access

  • Establishing robust processes for governance and compliance with intuitive user interfaces

  • Ability to continuously monitor and assess risks on platforms across on premise and cloud resources leveraged by an enterprise.

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Challenges and Solutions

IAM Advisory Service:


Architects in defining a mature IAM model that will help in reducing operational costs and driving agility in embracing dynamic business paradigms.


Identity Governance and Administration Service


Enable enterprises to secure access to applications, data and infrastructure for cloud-based and on premise hosted resources. The service covers diverse enterprise users, consumers and partners etc.


Access Management Service


With our expert team and tools we can implement and support secure access (authentication and authorization) to business landscape via multiple channels (web, mobile, etc.).

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